3 Tricks to Taking Awesome Pictures in the Full Sun
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It's Bluebonnet season here in Texas! And they are all over the place. It seems that each year when the bluebonnets blossom everyone is striving to get those perfect pictures in the bluebonnets. I'm not one to pass up a good photo opp so usually every year I hop on the bluebonnet train.
This year the location I picked was apparently spotted by MANY other photographers because when we pulled up there were already at least 2 dozen people in the fields taking pictures. Because I wasn't willing to go trekking around to find another good location I rolled up my sleeves and joined the crowd.
We started taking pictures at around an hour before sunset. Which is usually my favorite time of the day to take pictures but I quickly learned that I was going to have to use some tricks up my sleeve to capture a good picture because a) the sun was brutal in that wide open field and b) there were so many people in the background that I would have to somehow avoid so they didn't show up in our pictures.
Here is a picture I snapped of a few of the people we had to side-step. :) ...
On to the 3 Tricks to Taking Pictures in the open sun...
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(NOTE: Want a step-by-step cheat sheet for crisper, colorful and eye catching pictures? Download the Key to Pictures Cheat and stop guessing on your camera’s manual settings.)

I am so sad...there weren't as many bluebonnets when my photog friend and I trekked up north from Houston. That is a GREAT field! And of course, your photos are stunning!
Great tips! I was wondering how to get Brown eyes to stand out in a photo without it looking freaky? Any ideas?
beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Thank you so much for the tips. I have been wondering what to do in the sun. I will work on my backlighting.
It doesn't even look like you were in the same field!!! I can't wait until flowers and greenery bloom here! I love your photos they were great!
karen! Perhaps this post I did on how to make eyes sparkle with help with the brown eyes...
Where is this magical field of wild flowers? North or South Austin?
Hi eksleeve! The magic happened at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock. Here's a link: http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/home/index.asp?page=1552
Beautiful pictures!
Love the bluebonnets! That is one thing I do miss about Texas!
Great tricks...now if only I can remember them when I'm out shooting in the sun! That last picture is stunning!
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