The 12 Days of Christmas--Photo Style

7:02 AM
There are 12 more days 'till Christmas.

To count down the days I'm posting a Christmasy (is that a word?) picture every day. Along with the photo I will provide some instruction of how I took the picture...a little Christmas tutorial, if you will. 
I'm calling it "Twelve Days of Christmas Photos". (original, right?) 
Okay, let's start...
Day 1:

To get this shot I turned off all of the lights in the house and only used the light coming from the twinkle lights. I had to turn my ISO up with a low aperture.
Here's the info: 50mm lens, ISO 1600, f/2.0, 1/80th sec.

I kept getting those little green light spots above her head that were coming from the reflection of the twinkle lights so in editing I took them out by decreasing the exposure to -100% and brushing over the spots.


Stathis Five said...

I am so excited to learn some tips. Thanks so much. I got your book for Christmas when it came I just wrapped it up. So I would have something to be excited for. Thanks for your great blog.

Wag Doll said...

Ooh love this, will try it altho I've only got the standard kit lens that came with my camera so we'll see how it turns out. Looking forward to this series and thanks!

angelq said...

I totally missed you telling us how to get this effect at the workshop so I'm sooo glad you posted it!

Alisa Hayes said...

I have just come across your blog...LOVE it! Thank you so much for your wonderful tips and tricks. Looking forward to coming back often!

Michelle Renee said...

What was above her head that you got reflections of the lights? Otherwise I have had that problem before also, come to find out it was my UV Filter causing the problem! So now I dont take pics of Christmas lights with my filter on and Voila, no more reflections :)

Katie Evans said...

Thank you so much for the tip on the reflections caused my the UV filter!! I'm sure that was the problem. I'm excited to try it out. :)

Jo said...

Great shot! Did you use a tripod?

Katie Evans said...

Hi Jo!

Good, I didn't use a tripod. I'm too lazy for that. :)

countingmykisses said...

Love this, thanks so much for the tutorial! :) I can't wait to try this with my girls. You're the best! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing..! The output photo is absolutely great! Looking forwad for next day..:)

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