New Year, New Goals...but first...

12 years ago
I love January.

I always make goals and resolutions throughout the year but January seems to be a "reset" button for me. It's a time to start fresh, regain order, and begin again. But before I get into my goals for myself and for this blog, let me fill you in with what has been happening in our world for the last month...

To begin let me say we've all spent the majority amount of time in our PJ's. I can probably count the number of times we were all showered and dressed! Such is life with a new baby over the holidays. :)

Lily turned 2 months on December 24th!

 She loves to look RIGHT in the camera for all of her pictures! I can't tell you how happy that makes this mom photographer.

I had to get a picture of her in this outfit because it happens to be Jon's (my hubby) favorite newborn outfit that both Maddie and Lily wore. This was the last time she wore it because it was getting too short on her.

Maddie and Lyndon were in our Church Nativity presentation. Maddie got to be Mary and Lyndon was a sheep. They both took their roles very seriously. Here's Maddie riding in on a donkey. I didn't know she would be riding a donkey so when she came out on stage on this wonderful gentleman's back I just about busted out laughing. 

Maddie and Lyndon also sang some Christmas Carols with their fellow primary kids.  Jon got it all on video.

I finally made a Christmas advent calendar. I had been meaning to make one for years but just never got around to it. I didn't want this Christmas to go by without one so I stayed up until 2am on November 30th to finish it!

We decorated the house with Christmas decor...

Lily was blessed.  Jim and Kris (Jon's parents) came out for the blessing. My parents were driving out but got stuck in a snow storm in Wyoming and couldn't make it. We were all sad but they will be coming out to visit us this week. Flying this time!

Our good friends, the Barlow's, from Austin came for a visit! They were on their way to Utah for Christmas and stopped at our house to spend the night and catch up. We had such a great visit and miss them even more!

We spent Christmas at Jon's parents house in Omaha this year. It was a fun-filled full house. When everyone was at the house there was 22 of us. It was crazy and fun all at the same time. Jonathon's Grandma Gregory was also there. Here she is holding Lily...

Lily got lots of attention...

The kids went sledding a couple of times. I was a wimp and didn't go. It was way too cold for me! But I got some pictures of them from the warm cozy house... And Grandma Gregory is entertaining the kids on her ipad...

The holiday treated us well. I hope you had a wonderful time too. Again, thank you for all of your positive comments and support during my struggle. I'm doing really well and look forward to good things to come. 

Speaking of good things to come... I have some GREAT stuff ahead for all of you! I'm excited to share what I've been up to for the past several months. Stay tuned!

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Offer KINDNESS. Choose GENEROSITY. Give LOVE! said...

So happy to see you back.
Your wee Lily is beautiful and all your red heads are so gorgeous. What blessings.
Happy 2013!!
Hope you are doing well Mamma!

Lindsay said...

Your baby is ADORABLE. I love her snuggly cheeks!

Jason and Katie said...

I love your pics! Esp of your kids on your white bed. There's something about a white bed that is so inspiring to me as a (beginning) photographer.

Ashley said...

Glad to hear you are doing well! Lilly is adorable!

Unknown said...

I liked your pictures and also liked your kids on white beds. Really nice photos shared here.

bespoke prints

dana said...

I just caught up on your blog and love all the pics! You always get such vibrant colors. Beautiful. And Lily oh Lily. Love her.

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