Capturing the mood when working late...
I went into Lyndon's room to check on him before I went to bed and this is what I found...
He had created a desk for himself complete with a laptop and an iphone. His homemade laptop and phone were made out of paper and the iphone charger was made out of 2 of his mini skate boards.
I couldn't help myself, instead of telling him to go to bed, I had to grab and camera to remember the moment. I love his imagination and creative mind. My little late night worker...

To capture images in the dark (without an ugly flash), you will want to increase your ISO and decrease your aperture. But just remember, the more you increase your ISO, the grainier your pictures will become. So it's important to find the correct balance.
For all of the pictures above my settings were: ISO 1000, 30mm, f/1.8, 1/30th sec. My shutter speed was still quite slow but I didn't want to increase my ISO much more because of the grainy issue. So instead, I held very still and squeezed the shutter button slowly as not to get to much camera shake.
He had created a desk for himself complete with a laptop and an iphone. His homemade laptop and phone were made out of paper and the iphone charger was made out of 2 of his mini skate boards.
I couldn't help myself, instead of telling him to go to bed, I had to grab and camera to remember the moment. I love his imagination and creative mind. My little late night worker...
For all of the pictures above my settings were: ISO 1000, 30mm, f/1.8, 1/30th sec. My shutter speed was still quite slow but I didn't want to increase my ISO much more because of the grainy issue. So instead, I held very still and squeezed the shutter button slowly as not to get to much camera shake.
Also, with my new secret project I a working on, I need some input from you...What are some key questions you have about how to improve your photography? Any are all questions will be much appreciated! Leave you question in the comments below or send me an email:
Too precious! You do such a great job of capturing memories!
made me smile indeed.
Kids are unbelievably creative! What beautiful pictures you captured, too.
Aw bless him, he's so creative just like you, beautiful pics x
i'm a total newbie so a question i have is what can each lens do? i feel stupid even asking haha. but i guess it would be nice to know the type of image you can capture with a certain lens. ex. is a telephoto lens used to take pictures of space?? :)
I would like to know how I can make my subjects look like a silhouette while the sun is setting? Are there specific settings my camera need to be at to take a picture into the sun and make the subject (i.e. a couple, a family) a silhouette?
Cristine and Casie...
Great questions!! Thank you so much for your input. It really helps to see where people are at. I will definitely be answering both of these.
so cute! Just another reason he and Lucy need to get together :)
So cute of expressing your love to your kid, specially that you capture them. When he gets older, it will be cherished. You might need a tripod soon, there are camera tripod online store out there you can check.
Nice photos. Really lovely photos. Photography is a great deal and work everyone cannot do this.
Wow, cool! This is certainly perfect for kids who just love to play around, scatter and enjoy! I love it! Thanks a lot for sharing this cool idea! I believe any kid will surely enjoy and love that playground made especially for their needs. I just hope the staffs are friendly and patient, too.
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