7 Tips to take better Disney Character pictures

13 years ago

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Are you ready for some tried and true tips, tricks, and hints on how to photograph your Disney vacation? Because I have so much to tell you I'm dividing the info up into several parts. The first portion is all about...

How to get good pictures with the Disney Characters


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Altax said...

Excellent explanation, lovely pictures and awesome photography. Did i forgot to mention the two cute kids.

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Nicki said...

My little ones are now a Sophomore in High School and Freshman at College and being Disney regulars, we have some of all these variations in my character picture collection. (My son liked Ariel) Now my shots are of characters only (for the most part). Enjoy this stage as long as it lasts.

dana said...

fun! Love that picture of Lyndon and Cinderella. He'll be a pro when the time comes :)

caroline said...

GREAT pictures Katie !! I love how you "fixed" those shots- it looked like they were meant to be that way! your kids looked like they had a blast!

Anonymous said...

Excellent shots and wonderful photos.
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Anonymous said...

Love this post! Sharing it on my Disneyland planning page. Thanks for the tips!



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