Join us for our first call!

Today is the day to be inspired!

Our first call with Ashlee begins soon. I'm so excited to share in her talents and have her show you what can happen with just a little tweaking. Life is meant to be enjoyed so don't let anything get in your way of that.
Click here to sign-up.
(there is no catch, this is completely free.)

In Ashlee's words...

"Happiness shows in a photo.  I know the difference when I see myself - I know what is going on and if I am radiating complete peace or if I am faking that smile.  There is a level of peace that can only be achieved when we make peace with who we are on the inside and outside.  Who has not felt complete discouragement?  Haven't all of us had a fat day (or season)?  Our first call is all about self worth.  We will be rocking your personal blocks and shifting how you see yourself.  Join in the fun at

10am PST/ 11am MST/ 12pm CST/ 1pm EST


Experience the release of the old false beliefs that cause you to doubt your beauty, your abilities, and every other aspect of YOU!  Replace those doubts with the Truth and see yourself begin to fly.  (And take some really incredible pictures of yourself!)" 

**The calls are 45 minutes and will take place on each Tuesday at 12pm CST. Click here to sign-up.**

Don't forget to submit your photos this week.

 The theme is: take a picture of YOU! You can take one by yourself or even with someone. But I want to see your beautiful face. You can submit up to 3 photos per week. Send me an email with a link to where you posted them (i.e. your blog, etc.)

It's fun to finally be in some pictures with your kids. In the following pictures, I used the timer on my camera to get the shots...

Can't wait to join you for the call!
Click here to sign-up.

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