First day of Photoberfest! WIll you join us?

 Welcome to the second annual Photoberfest 2012! 

I'm really excited about this years theme and events. 

The theme I've chosen this year is all about 2 things:

1- Learning (and taking time) to capture the moments/people in your life that you never want to forget.
2- Learning (and implementing) ways to improve ourselves, our relationships and our families.  

 Don't forget...I will be keeping everyone posted on Photoberfest events and happenings via my NEWSLETTER, so be sure to sign up. It's right over there on the sidebar. see it? --------------------------------------------------------------------->>> 

To accomplish #1, each Monday I will post ideas and reasons why it important to capture each of our weekly topics. I also have other photographers who will be sharing their great ideas and photos throughout the week. The weekly photo line-up is as follows:

week 1: All about you: take a picture of yourself!
week 2: Family Interaction: take a picture of your family
week 3: Positively Kids: take a picture of how you see your kids
week 4: Unleashing creativity: take a picture using your own creative style

In addition to me teaching you about photography each week, YOU will submit your own photos to be judged by you, your family and friends. I love this part of Photoberfest. It's so fun to see all of your submissions. Don't be scared to submit your photos!!! This is all for fun and it will help make you a better photographer! AND the winner will get some awesome prizes. For directions on how to submit a photo, see the bottom of this post.

To accomplish #2, each Tuesday my friend, Ashlee Miller who is a gifted and respected energy worker will be doing a live call teaching us the tools to take our lives to an all new level of joy, peace and harmony.  Ashlee's topics are as followed:

week 1: Self Worth: How you see yourself/Loving your body
week 2: Relationships: Owning your own power and creating relationships that honor both of you
week 3: Flowing Positive Energy to Others: How to flow positive energy to your children
week 4: Creativity and Talents: Tapping into your own creative power 

**The calls are 45 minutes and will take place on each Tuesday at 12pm CST. Click here to sign-up.**

Ashlee's topics will be coinciding with my photo topics. We've coordinated our topics because I feel like when I am in a good place in my life, meaning I feel happy inside about myself and my relationships, I take better photos. Good photography is about not only learning how to capture the correct lighting but it's about capturing the emotion in life. How we feel about ourselves and our subjects shows through the images we capture. 

Okay, on the our first week photo topic: ALL ABOUT YOU: Take a picture of yourself!
I know, many of you are groaning right now and I completely understand. We photographers tend to always be BEHIND the camera. But I'm telling you right now, it's important to document yourself. Why? Because, #1, you are worth it. You are unique and special and you will want to remember what YOU looked like and how YOU enjoyed your vacation as much as your family.  It's also important for your kids to see you in pictures and have photo's of you to treasure. 

So let me give you 5 points to ponder when it comes to taking your own picture:

1- Take the time to capture yourself in your family memories. Like I said, we tend to always document our family do things, having a good time. But take a minute to hand over your camera to someone else so you can be documented.

2- Be yourself and let loose a little!
As we get older, have kids, and gain more responsibility, many of us tend to lose our spontaneity along with a little bit of ourselves. Why is that? When I was in college I remember thinking that I wanted to be a mom who acted silly and had fun with my kids. But unfortunately over the years, I've forgotten and I've gotten a little too serious. Luckily I have a husband who will always be spontaneous and a kid at heart. He keeps me from taking myself too seriously. The following pictures were taken while we were in a hotel. It felt so great to break free and be myself and I'm so happy I have a picture to remember how much fun I had!

3-Get your settings ready on your camera and give it to someone.
Many of your are probably thinking, well if I give my camera to someone the pictures won't be very good. But I have a solution for you...this is what I do when I want to have good pictures that I can work with...I get my camera settings all ready to go (i.e. set the white balance, the exposure etc.) and then I pass it on to someone. If they aren't familiar with know how to focus, give them a quick run down. Then all they need to do is snap the picture. This what I did for the following pictures.

On occasion Maddie and Lyndon (my 5 and 6 year old) like to take my camera to snap a few pictures on their own. They always end up taking a picture of me and we get something like the following pictures. They usually are the ones I post on the blog but sometimes it's fun to see what they come up with!

4- Use a mirror.
Sometimes the easiest and fast way to document yourself is to just take a picture of yourself in the mirror. Yes, you will have your camera in front of your face but let's face it, that's how our families see us a lot of the time! :)

5- Don't be so harsh on yourself.
This is a point that I need to remember just as much as anyone else. It took me a while to decide to actually use the following picture. Here I am, 8 months prego and I wanted to document it. So I had my hubby take a picture of me. When I saw the picture all I could do was critique myself and point out everything that I didn't hefty arms, and my plump face. But you know what? This is what I look like at this point in my life. Just because I my arms and face don't look the way I think they should, doesn't mean I'm not a loving, confident, caring and talented person inside. (Ashlee's call tomorrow will be awesome! Wouldn't you agree?)

So there you have it...Now I want to see your beautiful smiling faces!!! 

To enter the photo contest: (you can submit up to 3 entries per week)
Simply send me an email ( with a link to your photo(s) on your blog or send me a link to your photo's downloaded on (Sorry but I can't accept any photos that are emailed to me.) I will then "pin' your photo(s) to a pinterest board that is created specific for each week of the contest.

Give your friends and family this link to the pinterest board where your photo(s) will be. 

The winner will be chosen at midnight on Friday by whoever has the most "likes" on their photo. So recruit all of your friends and family to go and vote! They have to have a pinterest account to vote. (If they or you don't have a pinterest account is the time to sign-up! It's awesome. You won't be disappointed.)

(To view the entries and winners from last year, click here.)

One winner each week will receive:

- a complete set of my 3 ebooks: The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer, The Key to Natural Posing, The photo Essential Guide. Check it out here.

 - a $25 gift certificate to choose your very own Camera Coat. This thing is awesome! Check it out here

- a 3 month membership to Rock The Shot Forum. I love this forum, you will learn so much about photography and they give away free stuff all the time! Check it out here

 -a modern, fun, handmade camera strap. These straps are incredibly well made and incredibly cute! Check it out here.

I would love for you to spread the word! I excited to be able to help so many people.  Here is the code to put a button on your blog:

1 comment:

  1. I love this post-- I've been terrified to put up a bio pic. Maybe this is just the push I need.


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