It's time YOU get out from behind the camera!

I want to thank those of you who joined us for our call with Ashlee yesterday. She helped us feel more loving and secure with ourselves by releasing the false and negative energy that we all have been carrying around for far too long.

It was awesome. I felt (and still do!) energized and motivated. I would love everyone to be able to hear the call and be inspired. You can listen to the recording by calling the Playback Number: (712) 432-1085 and entering this Access Code: 185887. Also, here is the handout Ashlee has provided to go along with the call. Feel free to download it.

Please feel free to pass this information along as I know so many of us need to hear it. It is our goal and inspiration to bring hope, motivation, and encouragement to as many people as possible! Our call next Tuesday at 12 pm CST will be on Relationships: Owning your own power and creating relationships that honor both of you.

I will be keeping everyone posted on Photoberfest events and happenings via my NEWSLETTER, so be sure to sign up. ---------------------------->>> 


Today's post is brought to you by my very talented friend, who also happens to be a photographer, Kristen Duke. Her work is stunning and she has a passion for motivating others to learn and grow in photography. I'm so excited she has joined us. She is always doing fun, inspiring, and creative things on her site. You won't want to miss it! 

Kristen says,
"I’ve always been quite passionate about women getting out from behind the camera and getting in pictures more with their families. We are the ones who tend to take all of the pictures, and are often too critical of ourselves to want to be in them. Don't just take pictures OF your kids, but take pictures WITH your kids, or you will regret it. They need to remember that you were there in their childhood!
 With cameras attached to our phones, it is all too easy to snap a shot of silly faces or set it up as a self timer (there's an app for that), or pass it off to a friend, stranger, or family member to get IN the shot with your kids! 
 As a photographer and a mom, I strive to capture the real moments in families, not just the stiff posed stuff, and I want that for myself as well.  I've taught my hubby how to use my camera, and I'll often pass it off and ask him to take a pic. Sometimes he groans, but I've learned not to let that bother me, I want that moment captured! I work too hard to share love and happiness with my kids, to not be a part of it through photographs.
 Take pictures with your husband, don't let the wedding pictures be the only ones you have of just the two of you! Take them with your siblings,  your parents, it's OK to be in pictures all alone! I've done a feature on my site called What I Wore Wednesday, chronicling the clothing/style I have. It's kinda frivolous, but fun, and it WILL be fun when I'm a grandma to look back at my clothing style with these images!
 So if you are one of those people who hides from the camera, or doesn't think it's important to be in picture, you are wrong--it IS important! Love on those little ones, and never give them a reason to doubt because they will be reminded in a photograph!"
Thank you, Kristen! You've inspired me to get out from behind my camera way more than I do. Beautiful pictures and beautiful words.

Now let's see YOUR submission this week! Take a picture of yourself (yes, your kids or husband can be included). You can enter up to 3 pictures per week. Post it on your blog, snapfish, flickr or somewhere on the web and send me a link to Then tell your family and friends to go like your submission!

Check out the submissions we have so far.
The person with the most "likes" each week will receive:

- a complete set of my 3 ebooks: The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer, The Key to Natural Posing, The photo Essential Guide. Check it out here.

 - a $25 gift certificate to choose your very own Camera Coat. This thing is awesome! Check it out here

- a 3 month membership to Rock The Shot Forum. I love this forum, you will learn so much about photography and they give away free stuff all the time! Check it out here

 -a modern, fun, handmade camera strap. These straps are incredibly well made and incredibly cute! Check it out here.

I would love for you to spread the word! I excited to be able to help so many people.  Here is the code to put a button on your blog:

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