Letting your kids express themselves - guest blogger {Disney from Ruffles and Stuff}

 I'm so happy to introduce our special guest today. Her name is Disney and she is the author of an awesome diy, lifestyle, craft blog called, Ruffles and Stuff. Her sweet and optimistic personality will immediately draw you in and then her inspiring ideas will keep you there. I was hooked from the very beginning. I've always loved her true to life photography of her sweet family. She is able to capture their life as it is.

We all hate taking pictures of our kids, don't we?

From the moment they are born the shutter is snapping: "Oh! Did you see how he moved his hand?", "Look! She's smeared her food all over, grab the camera!" and so it continues, from first steps to first dates and every single little moment in between.

Being a blogger's daughter, my little Paige is probably one of the most over-photographed children on the planet. Sometimes I think the only reason I blog at all is to capture that little face and share it with the world! (Which, frankly, is not always her cup of tea--that's when I bring out the dairy-free chocolate chips!) If I'm not shooting with my dslr, I've got my little iphone out, snapping shots of everything that happens.

At Katie's kind request, I've picked out a few of my favorite shots of Paige from the last year or so. And you know what I noticed about them? Not a single one is posed under my direction. I love to let Paige express herself in the photos I take, and you know what? They turn out a lot cuter that way. :o)

Thank you so much Katie for letting me share my photos with you all today! And rememeber: you're taking pictures of your kids-not of little models or wax sculptures! Cherish those kooky shots and crazy moments, you'll love looking back on them!

Have a wonderful day!


Thank you, Disney!!

To enter the photo contest: (you can submit up to 3 entries per week)
Simply send me an email (katie@keytopictures.com) with a link to your photo(s) on your blog snapfish.com, flickr, etc. (Sorry but I can't accept any photos that are emailed to me or on facebook.) I will then "pin' your photo(s) to a pinterest board that is created specific for each week of the contest.
Give your friends and family this link to the pinterest board where your photo(s) will be. 

The winner will be chosen at midnight on Friday by whoever has the most "likes" on their photo. So recruit all of your friends and family to go and vote! They have to have a pinterest account to vote. (If they or you don't have a pinterest account yet...now is the time to sign-up! It's awesome. You won't be disappointed.)

One winner each week will receive:
- a complete set of my 3 ebooks: The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer, The Key to Natural Posing, The photo Essential Guide. Check it out here.
 - a $25 gift certificate to choose your very own Camera Coat. This thing is awesome! Check it out here
- a 3 month membership to Rock The Shot Forum. I love this forum, you will learn so much about photography and they give away free stuff all the time! Check it out here

 -a modern, fun, handmade camera strap. These straps are incredibly well made and incredibly cute! Check it out here.

I would love for you to spread the word! I excited to be able to help so many people.  Here is the code to put a button on your blog:


  1. Love these poses and personality of the pictures. :)

  2. Love these poses and personality of the pictures. :)


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