Editing Landscapes in Island Park, ID

Our travels this summer covered 8 states in just 7 weeks! Phew.

We had a great time. Lucky for us most of our time was spent with family and friends along the way. One my most favorite places (in the world) is at my parents cabin in Island Park, ID. Many Christmas' and summers have been spent at the cabin. Needless to say it's packed full of sweet memories for me.

Our summer vacation wouldn't be complete if I didn't get there. Jon was busy with work and my Mom was out of town so the kids, my sister, Lindsey, her daughter, Rylee, and my Dad decided to go. At times it feels like it's such a hassle to pack, get food together and drive up there (it's an hour and a half from my parents house) but once I'm there, I remember why it is all worth it.

Here is a picture on our way to West Yellowstone....

West Yellowstone is a quaint mountain town that is booming in the summer. It's the location of one of the openings into Yellowstone Park. When we go to the cabin, we always head into West. (that's the lingo used here. :) ) It's only about 15 minutes from the cabin so it's a quick and beautiful drive.

One of our normal stops in West is the Toy store. The kids love to take a look around and play for a little while.

There are lots and lots of shops in West. Most of them sell tacky souvenir T-shirts, copper and turquoise jewelry, and huckleberry scented lotion. You know, all of that stuff that seems so necessary at the time but once you get it home you wonder why you have a copper bracelet! But it's so fun to check it all out.

A little time for a break and a doughnut...

Like I said, West is one entrance to Yellowstone Park. Unfortunately we didn't go inside on this trip. the kids were more interested in the shops and eating ice cream. :)

Speaking of eating treats...a "must-do" in West is to visit the candy shop. Look at all that homemade fudge!

And freshly pulled taffy...

The best flavor is Huckleberry...

Lyndon's loot he carefully picked out...

Back to the cabin. This view is just behind the cabin. Lindsey, my sister, and were taking pictures of Sawtelle Mountain (see below) when someone drove past us and suggested we drive all the way up Sawtelle Mountain and get some pictures from the top. Why not? So we dropped off the kids at the cabin to entertain my Dad and we started up the mountain.

On the way we saw a Moose! Of course we had to jump out and take some pictures!

I don't know what I was expecting when I knew we were driving up a mountain but as we got closer to the top the drive got scarier and scarier! I was so glad Lindsey was driving and not me! Here is an example of one of the switch backs...

But it was well worth it once we were at the top! The view were spectacular!

We live in such a beautiful country. As I stood up there, I felt so blessed. (and just a little freaked out about how far up we were!)

Back at the cabin...Lyndon is picking some wildflowers in the front...

On the drive back to Idaho Falls you can stop and get a beautiful view of the Grand Teton Mountains. Very picturesque...

Wanna know what "Teton's" mean?? Read this sign... Hah!


Editing Landscapes...
I find it helpful to see exactly what someone does in their editing process so I included a screen shot of my edits in Lightroom.
Here is my before:
ISO 200, 85mm, f/3.2, 1/125th

 And my edits in Lightroom. I didn't manually put these values in. I used a Preset called, B&W Sublime. I also cropped it to a square and zoomed in so you could get a good view of the moose.

 And the result...

Here is my before:
ISO 400, 30mm, f/5.0, 1/1600th

My edits in Lightroom:

And the finished product:

Last but not least. The before:
ISO 200, 30mm, f/7.1, 1/500th 

 My edits in Lightroom:

 And the after:

I hope this helps! Have a wonderful day and remember the HUGE Labor Day Week sale is only on for a couple more days. Take 40% off all of my products! Click here.


  1. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures, I've learned so much from your blog and your books (I've got both of them!)and in French, "un téton", is a nipple... did the writers of this sign look for a politically correct way to translate the word? :) Greetings from France! Noelle

  2. I am super excited that I found your blod through Brassy Apple!! After reading just one post I am hooked and will be checking it daily!

  3. What beautiful pictures! Glad I visited from Brassy Apple!

  4. Love the photos - WOW! I'm visiting from Brassy Apple!

  5. MNY - That is hilarious!! Yes, I'm sure the writers of sign looked for the most politically correct way to translate. It's in Idaho so they kept it as conservative as possible. haha. Thanks for the real translation! :)


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