Lyndon's first day of Kindergarten took me by surprise...

I cried.

I didn't think I would because Lyndon is my second child to start kindergarten.

But I did.

Seeing him stand in his class line, looking so big (and a little unsure) just tugged at my heart strings. How did he grow up so fast? I know he will always be my little buddy but things have changed now. He's now in school and all I have are our sweet memories of running errands, going to the gym, going out to lunch and hanging around the house...together.

Even though I'm sad that things are changing, I'm so excited for Lyndon. He's going to be happy in school. And he did make sure to tell me that he was going to miss me so he will draw a picture of me and put it on his desk just so he doesn't forget what I look like.

I'm a lucky girl.

In the blink of an eye he went from this:

to this:

And there you have it, Lyndon's first day of school EVER! Have your kids started school yet? How did it go? Here is Maddie's first day of kindergarten last year. (Also a teary time!)

Photo Stats:
All of the above pictures were taken with my 30mm lens, ISO 250, f/2.8, shutter speed ranging from 1/640th of a second to 1/2000th of a second.
I edited the colored picture by only slightly increasing the vibrance. The black and white editing was done using a preset for Lightroom called, B&W Simple Love.

Only 3 more days to take advantage of the Back to School Triple Sale. You get ALL three of my photography books for only $49! Click here for more details and to buy.



  1. I noticed you said this was Lyndon's first day of school ever. Did he not go to pre-k? Mine wasn't able to get into pre-k and I felt so bad when he saw that some of his friends started pre-k this year and he wasn't going with them.

  2. I'm laughing and tearing up all at the same time. Your son is so full of character in those pictures. I love it!

    My little girl starts on Monday. I think I'm going to have to wear a bag over my head so I don't embarrass her with all the tears!

  3. Tearing up just thinking about it. My oldest starts K next Monday - we go to meet her teacher today!

    I absolutely l.o.v.e. that they know (and obviously love) Nightmare Before Christmas (or Jack-the-pumking as my girls call it)!

  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Oh he's so handsome with those beautiful bright blue eyes! I'm glad he was so excited and loved the fact he'd have a picture on his desk so he wouldn't forget what you looked like :). They grow up so fast. My baby started second grade yesterday and my oldest is a senior in hs. :(. I'm sure its so quiet with them both in school now, but at least you can get ready for baby #3!

  5. Wow! Time has flown by and how did I miss that you were prego again. Congrats girl! I'm going to miss catching up with you in person a couple of times a year.

    Need your new address so I can send you a Christmas card this year.

  6. awww. he looks so cute! love the new haircut!


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