Lyndon Love

Lyndon also has some Valentine love to share with all of you! I look a couple pictures of him at the same time I was taking pictures of Maddie for her Valentine card. This little guy is my buddy. He starts kindergarten this Fall and there will definitely be an emptiness to my day without him. I was sad leaving Maddie at school on her first day but it made it better to still have Lyndon with me. This coming year I will have to leave them both at school. Don't get me wrong...I'm excited for all the uninterrupted time to myself however I am going to miss hearing his cute little voice saying, "Mom, I sure love hanging out with you!".

On a sidenote: I let Maddie read all of your sweet comments about her Valentine Card. She was beaming. And she's made a decision...She's going with Valentine #1! Thanks for your input. 


  1. Your kiddies are so adorable! I love seeing all the pictures you take of them.

  2. love his valentine shirt! How cute!


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