The Key to Taking Pictures {workshop} -- GIVEAWAY!

9:31 PM
Hello there.

To show my appreciation for your support and kind words over the last 10 months (since my book came out), I'm giving away one spot to one of my workshops! That's right, one of you will get to join me at the workshop of your choice for free! (a $225 value)

Want to take stunning photos?! Get the free ebook. ---------------------->>

Here are the workshop places and dates:

All of the workshops will be held on a Saturday and limited to only 10 people.

What you will learn:
  • the in's and outs of your camera so you can finally get it off auto.
  • all about aperture, ISO, and shutter speed and how they relate. (so important!)
  • easy tips and tricks to get sharp crisp pictures.
  • what settings you have YOUR specific camera on.
  • what kind of light to look for, how to position your subject in regards to the light, and how to take a great picture in any lighting situation.
  • how to compose a striking picture.
  • my entire editing process from start to finish.
What you will get:
  • 4 hours of interactive learning including 30 minutes of actual shooting time.
  • a hardcopy of my book (a $50 value) to use throughout the workshop and beyond.
  • a copy of my ebook (a $35 value) to read before the workshop.
  • confidence on how to use your camera and how to take great pictures.
  • new friendships with other photographers in your area.

Click here to read about some of the previous workshops I held.

What some past participants are saying:
“I felt like I came into the class with some knowledge of photography, but I left REALLY understanding some of the basics.  I feel like my photography “skills’ have increased about 100%!” -Jessica M.
“This was honestly the best way I’ve ever been taught.  I’ve taken a couple photography classes and still had to learn on my own.  But I understood everything you were saying and  your examples helped me take my photography even further.” -Devrie J.
“I can’t tell you how much I learned from your workshop! My pictures have greatly improved and I owe that all to you. Thank you!” -Carrie G.

"It finally makes sense! Thank you so much for your incredibly enlightening workshop. It was worth every penny! -Sarah M.

To Enter the Giveaway:
(Please leave a separate comment for each entry including your email address. Let me know why you need to win! You can enter up to 5 times.)

1- Become a follower of this blog.
3- Post a link to this contest on your Facebook page.
4- Post a link to this contest on your blog.
5- Post a link to this contest on Twitter.

The contest will end Tuesday, January 31st at midnight CST. a bonus from now until the end of the giveaway use the discount code: THANKYOU for receive $10 off the workshop! (If you win the giveaway I will refund your payment.)

How to register for a workshop:
As soon as you make a payment, your spot is reserved. You can either pay the full amount by entering $225 in the amount box or pay half now and half 2 weeks before the workshop by entering $112.50 in the amount box. Here is the link to make the payment. In the notes section of paypal please indicate which workshop you will be attending. Send me an email if you have any questions.

One last thing...
To promote the workshop I have some postcards that I got printed for each city. I'm looking for someone in San Antonio and Denver to help me out. 

I simply need you to take the postcards to areas around your city where you believe people who have cameras shop. Places like craft/scrap booking stores, camera shops, fabric shops, coffee shops, cupcake shops (all photographers like cupcakes, right?!), pediatrician offices,  kids clothing stores, OB offices, baby specialty shops...the list can go on and on.

You will kindly ask the owner/manger if you could put your postcards at the register for their customers to enjoy. After that, you're finished!

In return for helping me out you will receive my photography ebook, hard copy, and the exposure guide. send me an email if you're interested:

good luck!


Jen T said...

I'm a follower!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I follow too :) What a fabulous giveaway! :)

Andrea said...

I'm a follower! Would love to come see you in the Mile High city!

The Alcorn Family said...

I follow your blog! (and highly enjoy it)!

The Alcorn Family said...

I liked your Facebook page!!!!

The Alcorn Family said...

I posted a link to your giveaway on my Facebook page!

Amanda Joy Petersen said...

I follow your blog

Amanda Joy Petersen said...

I follow on FB

Amanda Joy Petersen said...

I posted about the giveaway on facebook

bluebird love said...

I am a follower of your blog!

bluebird love said...

I liked your Facebook page!

bluebird love said...

I tweeted about it!


Bec@littlelucylu said...

I have been a FB fan for a while now! :-)

Alisa Hayes said...

I'm a follower of both your blog and on facebook! what a wonderful giveway :) SEATTLE!!!

Bec@littlelucylu said...

I am now following your blog via GFC, too! :-)
I would SOOOOOO love to win this!!! I NEED HELP! :)~

Bec@littlelucylu said...

I just tweeted the giveaway! @ilovelucylu

Bec@littlelucylu said...

Just posted on my Little Lucy Lu facebook page:

bluebird love said...

I blogged about it!

Kimberly T. said...

How exciting! I've been trying to see if I can come up with the money to attend your workshop, but it would be even better if I could win it. Then maybe my daughter could come, too. I'm a follower of your blog.

Kimberly T. said...

I like you on Facebook.

Kimberly T. said...

I shared your link and picture on Facebook, too.

Casey said...

I am now following your blog :)

Kimberly T. said...

I shared a link on my facebook page, The Brown Eyes Have It, too.

Casey said...

I like your Facebook page :)

Casey said...

I posted a link about your contest on my Facebook page :)

Casey said...

I tweeted about your contest on Twitter :)

wallybee said...

I am a fan on Facebook and I posted to your page. It would be awesome to win this. I am trying to improve my skills so that I can make photography a part time gig while I stay at home with my boys.

bluebird love said...

I put a link on my FB page!

Cammie said...

You're awesome. I'm hoping to save and take your workshop anyway :) but I'd love to win too.

Thanks Katie!

Cammie said...

I follow your blog, via reader.

Cammie said...

I follow you on FB

Cammie said...

I've tweeted ;)

Jen said...

I am a follower!

Jen said...

I like you on Facebook!

Jen said...

I linked the giveaway on my Facebook page.

Jen said...

I have been trying to persuade my husband to pack up the family and take a trip to San Antonio - I think winning would be a good persuasion. I am guessing it would also help me take my Canon Rebel off the manual mode that I have been shooting with for 2 years now :)

Stacy T said...

Have followed your blog for a while now. What a fantastic giveaway! I'd love the opportunity to soak up some of your mad skills. Thank you for your generosity.

Stacy T said...

Posted a link on my FB page!! Thanks for the opportunity.

Stacy T said...

I already was a fan on your FB page!! Hope to be able to jump into manual mode soon!

Bonnie Sotelo Schoos said...

I've been a follower of your blog for some time now, and REALLY REALLY REALLY want to attend your workshop in Seattle, WA this June!

Bonnie Sotelo Schoos said...

I liked your page on Facebook, my 2nd entry for a chance to win the giveaway!

Bonnie Sotelo Schoos said...

I posted a link to my facebook page, and tagged you as well!

Bonnie Sotelo Schoos said...

I also posted a link to your giveaway (and blog) on my blog!

Amy said...

I'm a blog follower

Amy said...

I like you on facebook

Jason and Katie said...

I liked you on Facebook! Please pick me! I am a pregnant mom with a new camera and a heart for capturing beautiful things! If you pick me, you will have a sweet sleepy newborn in your Denver class on May 12th. :)

Jason and Katie said...

I am now a follower of your blog as well!

Bernice said...

I follow this blog. I want to win because I feel like a have a basic understanding of some things, but have a few specific questions that I'd like to get answered! :)

Lisa said...

Hi Katie! I would love to come to a workshop! We have a camera that I don't know how to use more than half the stuff on in. It is sad because in High School I was really into photography. I was the photo editor for the yearbook and could take and develop my own photos. I would love to get back into it.
Oh....and I follow your blog!

Lisa said...

I like your facebook page!

Lisa said...

I posted about the giveaway on FB

Jason and Katie said...

I blogged about this contest!

Stathis Five said...

I 'm a follower. I love your book. And I love your blog.

Jason and Katie said...

I posted a link to your contest on my husband's facebook page! (I don't have a facebook account). I don't think he'll mind too much. :)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower....would love to see you in TX.

Unknown said...

I liked your facebook page and I would to learn to take photos of my girls.

Unknown said...

I shared your post on my facebook account too. amy dubose-hogberg

Crafting Butterfly Creations said...

I liked your Facebook page

sjf_1979 said...

I follow this blog! :)

sjf_1979 said...

FB fan! :)

Kristin said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Kristin said...

Liked your FB page

Kristin said...

Tweeted this!

Rebekah said...

I follow your blog!


Rebekah said...

I posted about the giveaway on Facebook!

Rebekah said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!


Myrnie said...

I'm a follower!

Myrnie said...

I like your fb page

Alison said...

I'm a facebook follower. I have been experimenting with manual settings and I took photography in high school... but in reality, I have NO IDEA what I am doing.

Alli said...

I'm already a follower!
Seattle/Tacoma works for me!

Alli said...

I liked your page on FB!

Carolyn said...

I'm a follower! This would be fantatic for me!

Carolyn said...

I tweeted about this!

Carolyn (@CarCarch28)
1/18/12 8:07 PM
Win a fabulous photography workshop! Enter here:

I'm really intereted in learning more and taking my photography to the next level.

Becs said...

I am a follower of your blog -

Becs said...

I posted a link to the giveaway on my fb -

Becs said...

I posted a link to the giveaway on twitter -

Becs said...

I like your page on facebook -

Please pick me!! I have two beautiful boys and an awesome camera which I am trying to figure out. We have a big family in Europe and I would love to send them wonderful looking pictures of our boys!!

Pierce Family said...

I am a follower and am secretly praying I win!... Well, I guess it isn't a secret anymore. =)

Pierce Family said...

I liked your facebook page!

Melanie said...

I have been a follower for awhile. I love your blog and have learned a bunch!

amy g said...

Hi Katie, I follow your blog in my google reader, and I just liked your facebook page. I got a lot of good help from your "key to taking pictures" ebook - what a great start but it would be fun to work with you in Seattle! Thanks

Alisa Hayes said...

I'm a follower of your blog and on Facebook!

MegJill said...

Following your blog by e-mail now, which I hope is the right way! I LOVE your photo tips. I will be in Idaho Falls this summer and would be SOOO excited to win a spot in your workshop!!! I need someone who knows what they are doing to give me some pointers. :)
MegJill at
he4rken @ yahoo dot com

MegJill said...

I'm a FB "liker"
MegJill at
he4rken at yahoo dot com

MegJill said...

Posted a link to the giveaway on FB. Really want to win a spot. :)
MegJill at
he4rken at yahoo dot com

MegJill said...

Blogged about the giveaway!
MegJill at
he4rken at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I now am following you for real rather than just blog stalking!

Anonymous said...

I alsol liked your page on facebook

Anonymous said...

I have finally posted on my blog..seriously its been a while...about you.

Anonymous said...

I dont know how to twitter but I plan to figure out how to link this post to my facebook and I really need something amazing to happen to me this year. Winning your workshop would be just that...amazing. Thanks for the chance.

Chef in Training said...

I follow your blog!

Chef in Training said...

I like you on facebook!

Shuttered Dreams Photography by Heather said...

Thanks for the opportunity! It's not easy trying to learn the ins and outs on your own :) I liked you on Facebook, tweeted and shared on my wall.

Chef in Training said...

Just tweeted about this giveaway! I would LOVE to win! I just got a new camera and would LOVE to go!

Margaret said...

I've been following your blog and wanting to go to your workshop for a while now!

Margaret said...

I follow your page on facebook! Thanks for reminding me about the giveaway on there :) Hope I win!

Margaret said...

I shared a link to this post on my facebook page.

Kimmel said...

I am a fan on Facebook!

Kimmel said...

I follow your blog!

Melanie said...

I liked you on facebook!! This is such a great giveaway!

Stephanie Wadas said...

I'm a follower of your blog! :)

Stephanie Wadas said...

I like your page on facebook!! :)

Stephanie Wadas said...

I posted a link on my facebook page promoting the giveaway!!

Stephanie Wadas said...

I promoted your giveaway on my blog:

Melanie said...

I put a link on my facebook, but I told everyone that I was going to win so not to bother entering. JK LOL ; }

Nick and Kandi said...

I'm a follower and would love to go to your SLC workshop!

Nick and Kandi said...

I like you on Facebook!

Nick and Kandi said...

I posted a link to your contest on my FB page!

Nick and Kandi said...

I posted a link to your contest on my blog.

Melanie said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

Casie said...

I am a recent blog follower. One of my great friends - Sam Lindsey - told me about you and emailed me your site and I have practically lived on it since! I JUST received my new dSLR camera for Christmas and it is completely my lifelong dream to become a real photographer. I can't afford your workshop when you come to Las Vegas, but if I could win it, it would completely be a dream come true! I love your blog and if I don't win the giveaway, I hope to be able to buy your book soon. Thanks for the chance!

Casie said...

I am a recent facebook follower. One of my great friends - Sam Lindsey - told me about you and emailed me your site and I have practically lived on it since! I JUST received my new dSLR camera for Christmas and it is completely my lifelong dream to become a real photographer. I can't afford your workshop when you come to Las Vegas, but if I could win it, it would completely be a dream come true! I love your blog and if I don't win the giveaway, I hope to be able to buy your book soon. Thanks for the chance!

Casie said...

I am shared the giveaway link on facebook. One of my great friends - Sam Lindsey - told me about you and emailed me your site and I have practically lived on it since! I JUST received my new dSLR camera for Christmas and it is completely my lifelong dream to become a real photographer. I can't afford your workshop when you come to Las Vegas, but if I could win it, it would completely be a dream come true! I love your blog and if I don't win the giveaway, I hope to be able to buy your book soon. Thanks for the chance!

The Allen Family said...

I'm a follower

The Allen Family said...

I like you on FB

Alisa Hayes said...

I'm a FAN on Facebook, follow your blog and recieved your book for Christmas :) I'm a newby and would love an opporutnity to learn from the Best! Pick me! Emerald I come :)

Stacy McC said...

I just signed up to follow your blog. I had to learn how to do that. :) Would love to win for the Seattle Tacoma class!

Stacy McC said...

You've got another fan on facebook! Having my third snow day at home here in Washington state. Looking forward to shooting outside in the sun in June.

Brooke said...

I posted on twitter!!

Brooke said...

I am a public follower now but I have been a follower since posting on Crafting Chicks blog:)

Brooke said...

I did a post on my blog about the contest! I would absolutely love to win a session from you. I bought your book and have loved how simply you put things. However, I am new to the dslr and need help with it really making sense! Please pick me!
SLC workshop:)

Aubrey said...

I am a follower! I love your tips and tricks. I would love to do your class because I want the photos I take of my kids to be something I enjoy looking at forever! Thanks!

gshrader said...

Follower of your blog - thanks for the chance!!

gshrader said...

Facebook fan

gshrader said...

Shared on my facebook page

gshrader said...

Posted on my blog:

Lindsay said...

I'm a follower!

Lindsay said...

I liked you on Facebook!

Nygards said...

i liked on facebook and i live in seattle.

amnic20 said...

I am following your blog! I would love to come to your SA workshop. I need HELP! I'm stuck on auto and I can't get out!

Whitney said...

I follow this blog!

Whitney said...

I "like" on FB!

Alisa Hayes said...

Pick me...Pick me! I would love the opportunity to learn from you in the beautiful city of Seattle!!! I'm a blog follower as well as a fan on Facebook. Yippee!

Stacee Maree said...
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Stacee Maree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacee Maree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacee Maree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacee Maree said...

Please let it be me! I am a follower. staceeyo (at) gmail (dot) com

Stacee Maree said...

I am a Facebook Liker. staceeyo (at) gmail (dot) com

Stacee Maree said...

I posted a link on Facebook. staceeyo (at) gmail (dot) com

Stacee Maree said...

I posted a link on my blog
staceeyo (at) gmail (dot) com

Lytles said...

I'm a follower!!!

Paige Blood said...

I'm a follower!

Paige Blood said...

I liked your facebook page!

Paige Blood said...

I posted on twitter about the contest!!/paige_blood

Paige Blood said...

I posted a link to our facebook page!

Paige Blood said...

I posted on my blog about the contest!

We live in Rexburg so a chance to go to the workshop in IF would be awesome! I've been taking pictures for a long time and I'd love the chance to spread my wings and learn from someone more experienced. Thanks for the chance to win!

aaronandjenniferkartchner said...

I posted your giveaway on Facebook!

aaronandjenniferkartchner said...

I liked your Facebook page!

aaronandjenniferkartchner said...

I posted it on twitter

Katelyn Graves said...

I follow your blog!

Katelyn Graves said...

Posted about the giveaway on facebook

Katelyn Graves said...

Tweeted about the giveaway

Katelyn Graves said...

Follow you on facebook!

aaronandjenniferkartchner said...

I'm now following your blog!!

Alyson said...

Your sites for class are so perfect for me, i could attend with either daughter in San Antonio, or Idaho Falls, and if not able to do that I can still catch you in Seattle, so many choices. You come highly recommended. I posted you on my facebook page!

BrinaBabe said...

I follow you on FB, posted on FB, and follow your blog! Thank you for offering this... fingers crossed!

Crystalyn said...

Oh hi there! I liked your facebook page. I am getting a fun new camera for my birthday!! (my husband is great!) So I would love to learn how to properly use it :)

Crystalyn said...

I just post this contest onto my blog :)

Katherine said...

I am a follower!! I need this class. I have cute kids but take terrible pictures. katebell44 at gmail dot com

Laura said...

I am following your blog and loving every minute of it!

Laura said...

I liked you on Facebook. I would love to win so that I can learn more about my camera and feel more confident taking pictures. I am also donating my time to shoot a wedding this summer and this workshop would really help me out.

Laura said...

I posted a link to the contest on my Facebook.

Laura said...

I blogged about the giveaway on my blog.

Candias said...

I would absolutely love to learn how to really use my camera and all of the options that it has. It is so intimidating right not. Las Vegas would be the one for me!

Candias said...

I am now a facebook fan!

Jenze said...

I am a facebook fan and follower of your blog. I have been meaning to get myself into a photography class since the birth of my daughter and I have yet to do it. I am still stuck in that safe, automatic mode on a great camera! I would love to attend your class before another kiddo arrives :)

Cachalker said...

I now follow this blog!!!

Cachalker said...

I like you Facebook page!

Cachalker said...

I posted this on my blog!!!

Cachalker said...

I posted a link to this giveaway on my Facebook!!!

Cachalker said...

I posted a link on my twitter account!

Stathis Five said...

I love your blog. And I love it. I love when you post.

Stathis Five said...

I just commented and shared your picture on face book.

Stathis Five said...

I just posted on my blog about your contest and your blog. I have been so impressed with your blog and with your book. That has been one of my favorite things this Christmas. Thanks for doing what you do. And helping others with the talents they are trying to gain. I would love and come and meet you.

Elisa said...

I'm a follower. I tried to come to a workshop last year and missed out I was so bummed.

Laura said...

I posted a link to the contest on twitter. What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance

Lisa Beth Black Hart said...

Katie I would love to attend your workshop. What a success you have become! Can I say I knew you when...
I have a nice camera that I really don't know how to use. I know I could learn a thing or two. Congratulations on all your success. Your photography is extraordinary.

Lisa Hart

krisy said...

I would so love to be able to attend and learn from you. I struggle with photography and this would give me great insight and an opportunity to help a wanna be!!! Love your work!!

Thanks, Katie!!!!

Sincerely you fan, krisy wolle

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