Telling their story...

Kids grow up so fast.

We've all heard that phrase countless times in our life, right? But for me I never really understood it until I had my own kids and one day they were babies and then in a matter of moments they were starting school!

Kids truly grow up so fast.

Because I want to remember my life with them as still kids I take LOTS of pictures, as you can imagine. Often times when I'm taking their picture I try to do so in a manner that will "tell their story" so to speak. For example, the story of Maddie's Lemonade stand:

Out of the blue one day she decided to have a lemonade stand. She made the sign, made the lemonade and sat in front of our house to sell it. I documented the entire process and it's so fun to remember that day. To see the whole thing click here.

When it's the kid's birthday I always like to take pictures of the entire event. But instead of just standing from afar and snapping generic pictures I try to capture the mood and what was really happening that day.

For example, here is Lyndon when he got a costume from his Grandma and Grandpa for his birthday. After he opened it, he immediately had to put it on.

Here is the time when Maddie, Lyndon and I went on a trip to Boston and then took the train to Maine:

Yep, this is where the cover of my book was taken!

I took my camera everywhere and was able to tell the story of the whole trip. I walked their little feet all over New England and I have the pictures to show it! To see the entire trip click here.

You don't just have to photograph the big moments like birthdays and vacations, I love to capture what it's like on daily basis for us...that's why I did "A Day in the Life of..." I took my camera with us as we did everything from take the kids to gymnastics, then to Target, lunch at Jason's Deli and then finishing it off with falling asleep in the car. Take a peek:

To see the full day click here.

I hope this inspires you to tell the story of your life. Because as we know, "kids grow up so fast" and you will be so happy to be able to look back and remember just how young they once were.

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  1. I love the day in the life pictures. What a sweet idea!

  2. I know this isn't the point of your post but I can't believe you've been to Old Orchard Beach! Living far far away in Idaho, I certainly miss that place. The pictures are perfection, as always. Well done.


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