The great city of Chicago!

I know it's still action week but I wanted to share all about our trip to Chicago! It's full of "action" so I thought it would be appropriate to share today!

The reason for the trip was so that I could attend a photography workshop given by one of my long time favorite photographers, Audrey Woulard. I started following Audrey's blog about 5 years ago. I always had the goal to take a workshop from her and I was finally able to get there this year! I had a great time. Audrey is such a sweetheart and the other girls in the workshop were great.

We learned all about Audrey's style, how she does what she does and her entire business model. A flood of info all packed into 1 and a half days! On the first day we got to do a little shooting outside of Audrey's photography loft. We had some cute little models too...

It was so fun to finally meet Audrey and to get to know the other girls. I'm so happy I was able to go.

Another favorite part of my trip was that my husband got to go with me. We have a 4 and a 5 year old and this was the first trip we've ever taken without the kids! And I have to say, it was so fun to spend some time with just each other. We stayed in The James Hotel which is just one block off the Magnificent Mile downtown Chicago. The hotel was awesome and situated in the perfect spot.

We don't drink but I thought this looked so cool all lined up in the cabinet.

Cozy robes and slippers...

Jon checking his messages before we head out...

They had THE BEST shampoo and conditioner. I loved that they were in these cool pumps BUT I wanted to take some home! :)

I wore that jacket all day every. single. day. It was cold. I'm still cold. 

cool pillow.

 These suitcases were in the lobby...

We didn't do anything in particular except roam around the city and eat.  And thanks to Yelp we found some awesome places to eat! Here's are some of the sites:

Lake Michigan. So I mentioned I was cold the entire time and while we were here by the water some guy stripped down to his swimming suit and jumped in the lake! I couldn't believe it. insane.

The only picture of us together.

The Navy Pier.

Poor Mary's Cafe...I wonder what happened? 

I also took some shots of Jonathon for his upcoming cd. I'll share those soon along with a sneak peek of his music.

You still have until tonight to enter or vote on the Photoberfest action pictures!

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  1. Oh how I love that city! This brought back some fond memories! We are from the NW but ended up living in Chicago for three years, then moved back here four years ago, I still miss it. We get back as often as we can. Great photos, looks like you had fun!

  2. I live in a suburb of Chicago, and actually grew up right in the city and it's still awesome. I don't like driving in the city AT ALL, but there are some awesome spots, cool buildings, nostalgia :) Glad you had fun!!!

  3. I ran across your blog somewhere out there -- not sure where, but I love it. Great shots of the Pier. My son went to Navy boot camp in that area. Great photo opportunities. :)

  4. Great shots! I felt like I took a mini vacation.

  5. Fantastic pictures Katie! I loved your post and seeing bits from your trip too ;)


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