Action Photography winners!

It's the end of week 3: action! I was really happy with the entries this week. You guys did a great job capturing and showing lots of different types of action. I look forward to getting your entries and seeing what you come up with. So let's get on with the winners... As usual, I will announce the honorable mentions first. (remember these are in no particular order and they are my top 3 favorites of the week.)

Honorable mention #1:
photo taken by Johnna Harris

Honorable Mention #2:
Photo taken by: Diana Samour

Honorable mention #3:
Photo taken by: Mikki Grimley

Congrats to the 3 of you for each winning a copy of my ebook, The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer! (Diana, I know this is win #2 for you so perhaps you could give the book to someone for a gift?) Please send me an email so that I have your correct email address to send the book.

Now on to the winner...
This week is was a dead tie. So...because this is my contest, I decided to determine the winner. And the winner is...
Lisa May

Congrats, Lisa! 

You've just won: my ebook, a 30 minutes phone consultation with me, and a $25 Target gift card!! Email me and I will send your book and Target gift card, and details about the consultation via email.

The runner up is:
The Angry Baker :)
Angry Baker...being the runner up you have won a copy of my photography ebook. Email me so I can get it to you!

And I just couldn't end without showing one more favorite...

Photo taken by Amber Stock

Congrats to ALL of you!!! 

Remember the theme for the last week of Photoberfest is Halloween! So let's get our spooky on!


  1. if diana doesn't want her copy, i would gladly take it off her hands:)

  2. Good call - Lisa's is a much better picture. I just have a lot of friends on pinterest. Thanks for the ebook!


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