How to make your blog pictures bigger!

Look what Lyndon found on our back patio...

I share these pictures to show you how to make your photos on your blog BIGGER. I don't know about you but I love when pictures are really big. For some reason it makes them feel more intense and more important.

Making your pictures bigger in blogspot is SO EASY these days. Up until a few months ago is was a huge hassle to get bigger pictures. You had to go in and mess with the html on each and every picture. ugh. It was a chore but I did it because I feel having bigger pictures on your blog just makes your blog that much more appealing.

If you are still using the same old blog editor in blogger now is the time to move up in the world. To change to the new editor on your blog go to "settings". Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen where you will find "global settings". It will look like this:

Click on "updated editor"

Now you can upload huge groups of pictures all at the same time instead of only uploading 1 at a time. (that was craziness, btw.) Once you've uploaded your pictures and placed them in your post you simply click on the picture to reveal a series of sizes listed below the picture. It will look like this:

The only thing you have to do is click on the size you want. I normally choose X-Large. And that's it!! Can you believe how easy that was?

So much better to go from this:

To this:

Any questions?


  1. The problem I have with the updated editor is that sometimes with an XL photo the edges get cut off when posting. Maybe b/c I have a 3 column blog...? Also I often wish there was a setting somewhere between L and XL as the large seems too small and sometimes the XL is huge! Ideas?

  2. I have been having the same problem as boatbaby. If I re-size the image to XL, it extends into my side column. I only have a 2 column blog but my side column on the right looks much wider than yours. Maybe I can adjust this column some how to give me more room for big pictures? I would love that. Do you what I could do to change it?

  3. Margaret--Yes, I think resizing your columns to make your posting column bigger/side column smaller would fix the problem.

    Here is how you can do that: click on the tab, "Design" then click on the tab, "template Designer". From here click on "adjust widths" on the upper hand side. You will see sliders to change with withs of your main posting area and your sidebars.

    You will be able to view the changes below (this will make sense when you see it) and if you are happy with the changes make sure you click the orange box that says, "Apply to Blog" in the upper right corner.

    Boatbaby--Have you tried adjusting your widths? This may help you as well.

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I post all my pics as x-large, but my problem is that the photos don't look as sharp as I know they are. Any way to fix that? If I make them "original size" then they're nice and sharp but way too big for my layout.

  5. @jannicka-that seems really weird! Unfortunately I don't have any idea why that's happening. My only advice is to google it and see if anyone else is having the same problem!

  6. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Dear Katie,

    Thanks so much for your simple to follow advice. I moved onto the updated editor, fiddled around with the width and also the sidebar width until I got it right. It took only about 10 minutes to sort it all out. Then I upsized my pics to Extra Large and now I am very happy now I can actually SEE my images!!!

    Christine x

  7. Anonymous5:24 AM

    ...oops I forgot to mention (this might help others) that when I selected X-Large for the pic size, it wouldn't work, but what I did was hit the Original Size, and THEN X-Large, and it worked. Weird, but I got there by doing that.

  8. Katie, thank you for offering this help! I did what you said to do by updating my blog settings, but when I click on "X-Large" nothing happens. If I click right, left, or center there is action, but not on changing the size. Any suggestions? Debbie

  9. Just figured it out! You have to add more than one picture, which I find odd. :- /

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  12. I can't find the global settings bit, where abouts is it? The photo above won't load for me :(

  13. When I click on the first image, it let's me put the size in fine. But then when I click on all the subsequent images, the options do not show up. Help?


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