the best time waster...ever.

I know I'm a little a lot late to the party but look what I finally got today...
From the second I opened it up and turned it on I felt giddy inside. Kinda like I did when I was 12 years old and I just opened our family Christmas gift...a nintendo. (btw, I can still remember the day that my Dad and I saved the princess on Super Mario Bros. AND the day that we learned how to get 100 lives by knocking the turtle into the stairs over and over again. Was that world 3-1?)

Anyways...I'm thrilled, to say the least. However, I will say, I'm also a bit overwhelmed. I've heard of so many apps but at this point the only one I could think of that I wanted to try out immediately was the "Instagram". Photography, of course, right?

So here you very first pictures from my very first iphone...
this angle makes our noses look like some gigantic snouts.


A few of Jon's guitars.

We are already pulling some of our Fall stuff out!

I've never taken a picture of my actual camera...until now that is.

Are you thinking, what did she do, walk around her house and just take a bunch of pictures? yes, yes you are right. :) And these are some things I noticed (besides remembering I need to clean the house)...I have to hold suuuuuuper still to get a sharp picture, I also need lots of light to get a sharp picture. I'm thinking the 4G iphones perhaps do a little bit better as far as focusing? Maybe not but I'm still pretty darn excited.

So, tell me what some of your tips and hints are when it comes to taking pictures with your iphone. I'm the student, you're the teacher...I'd love to hear!! Also, what are favorite apps that you can't live without? Are there any great learning apps for my kiddos?

Stay tuned for Monday...I have an AWESOME app and tutorial to show you. I've just been waiting until I get an iphone for this one...


  1. I also take my ipod touch pictures outside.

    Apps I can not live without
    DragonVale is my absolute favorite at the moment, in fact I am spending more time on it than Facebook!

    Angry Birds...of course! I have every version!

    Plants vs Zombies!

    I also like
    Hanging Free (hangman)
    Words with friends
    The Weather Channel
    Tiny Wings
    Swapper TA
    Pac Man
    Pocket Frogs
    Oregon Trail
    Alarm Clock

    My kids really like Smack Gugl but its not a learning game

    Im HylaDragon on Game Center

  2. You can also try ShakeitPhoto,Pocketbooth, 8mm and Camera Genius for pics and movies. Stack the States is my go to game right now =) have fun with your new toy

  3. How exciting! Instagram is the only reason I want an iPhone. :)

  4. You are going to LOVE your iPhone!! Congrats!! Now go check out this wonderful site:

    There's more so be sure to check out the full store:

    Have FUn!!

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    My favorite photo apps at the moment are Camera+ and Instagram. Colorsplash is kind of cool because it allows you to change just one object in the photo to color. I don't use that one much though.
    The apps I use on my phone the most are:
    My spell check app!
    Red Laser - you can scan anything to price check it at different stores.
    Run Pee - tells you the best time to take bathroom breaks in movies. lol!
    Oh yeah! Photoshop Express is pretty cool too!

    I don't play video games much, so I don't really have any recommendations for those. My husband is addicted to Words with Friends.

    Have Fun! I've had mine for two years, and I can't imagine life without it!

  6. all applications above are really great but,the best one that really helps me a lot YOU VERSION BIBLE APPLICATION. I always carry my bible every sunday at our church,now there you go,i have my bible all the time.
    Pinterest is the second of my favortie.


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