Join the Photoberfest fun!

It's that time of year again... 

It all starts THIS Monday, October 1st, 2012! 
Click here to see the first photoberfest post

I will be keeping everyone posted on Photoberfest events and happenings via my NEWSLETTER, so be sure to sign up. It's right over there on the sidebar. see it? (look up, just a bit!) ---------------------------->>>

I can't believe an entire year passed since my first-ever Photoberfest. (To view the entries and winners from last year, click here.) Last year was a great success and I know this year will be even better!

I'm changing things up just slightly... Last year our categories were; food, kids, action, and Halloween. But this year because I'm focusing more on captures memories and special life moments the categories are:
week 1: All about you: take a picture of yourself!
week 2: Family Interaction: take a picture of your family
week 3: Positively Kids: take a picture of how you see your kids
week 4: Unleashing creativity: take a picture using your own creative style

Also this year not only do I want to help you improve your photography but I really want to help you improve your life. How we feel about ourselves and our relationships greatly impacts everything about us, even our photography. The pictures that speak to me the most are the ones where I can literally see the emotion and feelings. I'm able to take pictures that speak when I am feeling positive and good about myself. 

I've been blessed to have a happy life. But that doesn't mean that all day, every day I'm excited and happy. It's something that I have to work on. (Some days/weeks/months I have to work a lot harder than others!) Sometimes our happiness is blocked by negative energy either consciously our subconsciously.  For the last several months it has been so gratifying working with a friend who has a gift of helping people become their best selves. Her name is Ashlee Miller. 

She has so graciously offered to help you too!

In addition to me teaching you about how to take better pictures in the above categories, Ashlee will be doing a live call each week teaching us the tools to take our lives to an all new level of joy, peace and harmony. Who wouldn't want that?? :) I'm so excited. 

Ashlee's topics are as followed:
week 1: Self Worth: How you see yourself/Loving your body
week 2: Relationships: Owning your own power and creating relationships that honor both of you
week 3: Flowing Positive Energy to Others: How to flow positive energy to your children
week 4: Creativity and Talents: Tapping into your own creative power 

From Ashlee: "You have a desire to be better, to have more joy in the journey, and sunshine in your soul, but sometimes lose your focus. You may have caught a small glimpse of your personal power and purpose along the way, but do not yet know "You are powerful beyond measure!" 

The calls are 45 minutes and will take place on each Tuesday at 12pm CST. Click here to sign-up.

I loved these comments from Ashlee's current/past clients:

“I really enjoyed being a part of the group session.  It’s amazing how much lighter and more excited I am about life in general.  I really feel more hopeful and confident about what I am capable of. AWESOME!” –Shanna

“I just wanted to say thank you for Wed night, I came into the phone call with shoulders shrugged and walked away with a smile on my face, and have been in a wonderful mood ever since. I am so grateful for what you do.” –Jennifer

“Ashlee is extremely inspired. She was able, in a matter of moments, to help me see major roadblocks in my mind that have been holding me back for years, and to give me the tools to clear them and to open my mind to positive possibilities. Holding her affirmations in my mind and heart I am able to make changes each day that are allowing me to see continual progress and success. Ashlee is truly gifted! I am so grateful she was brought into my life at such a crucial time!” — Roslyn Romney Reynolds, Author, Solo -Getting It All Together When You Find Yourself Alone;

“I have worked with energy workers for over 20 years, and Ashlee is my absolute favorite energy worker.  Discovering Ashlee was truly life-changing for me.  She has helped me dig through layers of false beliefs and false programming and bring forth the authentic me.  She has such a kind, gentle approach — I always feel like I am walking on air when I finish a session with her.  In addition to feeling better about who I am right now when I work with Ashlee, I also feel totally capable of becoming the person I envision myself becoming one day.  Ashlee has so many natural gifts that come through effortlessly in her sessions.  I highly recommend her classes and sessions to everyone!” — Coach Alisa, Dallas, TX

Are you excited? I know I am!

To sign-up for Ashlee's weekly call click here.

To enter the photo contest: (you can submit up to 3 entries per week)
Simply send me an email ( with a link to your photo(s) on your blog or send me a link to your photo's downloaded on I can't accept any photos that are mailed to me. I will then "pin' your photo(s) to a pinterest board that is created specific for each week of the contest.

The winner will be decided each week, at midnight on Friday, by whoever has the most "likes" on your photo. So recruit all of your friends and family to go and vote! I will provide you with the link to send the voters right to the board. (If you don't have a pinterest account to is the time to sign-up! It's awesome. You won't be disappointed.)

One winner each week will receive:

- a complete set of my 3 ebooks: The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer, The Key to Natural Posing, The photo Essential Guide. Check it out here.

 - a $25 gift certificate to choose your very own Camera Coat. This thing is awesome! Check it out here

- a 3 month membership to Rock The Shot Forum. I love this forum, you will learn so much about photography and they give away free stuff all the time! Check it out here

 -a modern, fun, handmade camera strap. These straps are incredibly well made and incredibly cute! Check it out here.

I would love for you to spread the word! I excited to be able to help so many people.  Here is the code to put a button on your blog:


  1. Now that I have a DSLR I'm so excited to try it this year!

  2. So looking forward to it, Katie!


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