Comparison will steal your JOY.

Let me ask you ever compare yourself to others only to be left feeling less than adequate, sad, and discouraged?

You're not alone.

As I was preparing to take some newborn shots of Lily I hopped on the computer to check out some ideas from other newborn photographers. In my search I found some amazingly talented photographers. Their pictures were stunning. They were able to manipulate those tiny little newborns into the cutest poses and had such fun backdrops and props.

I was inspired but at the same time I found myself getting discouraged about taking my own pictures of Lily. The thoughts that began to run through my head were, I'm not nearly as talented as these ladies, why should I even try?, and I'll never be good enough. Lucky for me I stopped myself before I got too far into the pity party. I then reminded myself that nothing good would come out of comparison and self doubt. I'm good in my own right. My style is different, I capture natural, basically unposed pictures and I do it well. So I have no reason to compare my talents to others.

These are some of my favorite quotes encouraging us not to compare ourselves...

 Of course I couldn't leave you without posting some pictures of my Lily...

The specs on all of the following pictures are: 

ISO 400, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/160th sec.  
Natural window light. 
Edited in Lightroom by:
 decreasing the saturation to -44, increasing the temperature to +20, decreasing the clarity to -9, and increasing the brightness to +7.


  1. She is so beautiful! I too agree that I compare photography to others and I sell myself short. We are also our own worst critics too! I think that you take fantastic photos, and treasure your photography for you and the memories that they make for you family! :)

  2. She's gorgeous! The best cure, for me, is to compare my pictures now to my pictures a year ago. the photos of your little one are absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Thank you for the reminder - whether in photography or in life...

  4. Adorable pictures and thank you for the reality check! I am having the same problem right now and because of that of have still yet to take my Dawson's newborn pics and he is 3 weeks old today :( I think I'm too late and it makes me so sad. Lily is beautiful!

  5. She is a beauty! And yes, I find myself having a pity party when I look at other's amazing photos...but as someone said...I should only compare myself to myself. But I do love admiring other's talented work...and have to remember it should inspire and not uninspire me! And you are talented and I love how you keep it real!

  6. Beautiful photos and a beautiful baby. Congratulations!

  7. "Comparison is the thief of joy" is one of my very favorite quotes -- and one that I'm trying to remember every day. You are a great photographer, and I really admire you. I am constantly comparing myself to others, but I have to focus on what I do well instead of what I struggle with. Thanks for some great quotes and things to think about!

  8. I think you are awesome Katie and very inspirational to me!


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