The winner of Photoberfest Week 3: Kids is...

Mikki Grimley

Congrats, Mikki! You have created a stunning picture. I love her somber expression and the costume blowing in the breeze. Very nicely done. 

To those who entered...I loved seeing all of your sweet kiddos this week. I could see the love you have for them through your pictures. Isn't fun to be able to capture everything about them so you will never forget?

And of course we also have out Honorable mention...
Kimberly Easterling

This photo "spoke" to me the minute I saw it. I love the connection between the girls. It's so innocent and sweet...just what a mother loves to see. Great job capturing this moment, Kimberly!

Next week is our last week of Photoberfest 2012! My own time flies... Our topic will be Unleashing creativity: Take a picture using your own creative style
This will be a lot of fun. The sky's the limit! I can't wait to see your photo's. 

Also, if you haven't been on a call with Ashlee yet, you really should!! Her topic next week is Creativity and Talents: Tapping into your own creative power. It completely inspires me every time I hear from her. The next call is this coming Tuesday at 12pm CST and last's for 45 minutes. To sign up for the calls go here.

Remember, I am keeping everyone posted on Photoberfest events and happenings via my NEWSLETTER, so if you still haven't signed up yet be sure to do it! (And as a bonus you also get my free articles teaching you more photo tips!) ---------------------------->>>   
BTW, this baby is still nice and cozy in my belly getting a little TOO comfortable (if you ask me). But she will be born this coming week at least by Wednesday (I have an appointment to be induced). So in regards to Photoberfest...continue to send in your submissions, my sweet husband will be "pinning" them for me after Wednesday and the winner will still be chosen Friday at midnight MST.

1 comment:

  1. Congratualtions on your new baby! So excited for you! I have been following your photography for over a year now and you are awesome! Good luck and enjoy the newest addition to your family!


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