And the winner of Week 2 Photoberfest is...

Donna Wysong 

Congrats, Donna! And great job on taking your own family pictures!

Here is some helpful advice from Donna,  
"I use a remote to take our family portraits and I get my children's focus on the camera by attaching a bright yellow duck infant chew toy that is a rubber band/hair scrunchie shape around my lens. Then we laugh, tickle & make crazy noises til they laugh then we say "where's the duck?!" It works but it makes for a very fast shooting time."

You all did a great job of taking your own family pictures. I know it can be a hassle getting everyone and everything together but you will be so happy you have captured your family in photos to cherish in the years to come.

Just like last week we also have an Honorable Mention...
Margaret Grafenstein

Congrats, Margaret! I absolutely love this photo she was able to capture! In her own words, this is how she got it...

"My family recently took a camping trip up north. A couple things I really wanted to do (besides enjoying a fun adventure) was #1: to take a new family photo, and #2: watch the sunrise. I set my alarm, but the Little misters woke before it even went off. So we threw on a few layers (it was a chilly morning on the north shore) and walked down to the lake. I put my camera on a camping stool I used for a tripod, then set the timer and ran over the rocks (trying hard not to fall on my face). We took about a dozen shots."

That takes some dedication to wake up that early in my house! 

Next week our goal is to take pictures of YOUR KIDS! This is always a fun one! So get those camera's out and start snapping away. I want to see their sweet little faces. 

If you haven't been on a call with Ashlee yet, you really should!! It completely inspires me every time I hear from her. The next call is this coming Tuesday at 12pm CST. The last's for 45 minutes. To sign up for the calls go here.

Remember, I am keeping everyone posted on Photoberfest events and happenings via my NEWSLETTER, so if you still haven't signed up yet be sure to do it! (And as a bonus you also get my free articles teaching you more photo tips!) ---------------------------->>>  

1 comment:

  1. Very nice photographer, both images are looking beautiful and kids are looking so cute, I want to say thanks for sharing these great inspirational pictures.

    wall art


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