friends for a lifetime...

 I've been pretty hit and miss with my poor blog this summer...

I thought I would be able to stay on top of things but as it goes, selling a house, traveling for 7 weeks, finishing my latest book, and being prego tends to leave me in a tail spin. :) But thankfully we have been in our new house in Colorado for a week now and I'm feeling more and more grounded by the day.

So far we love it humidity, no fire ants, and no hot summer nights. I love it but miss Texas all at the same time. How does that work? I've always felt that Texas wasn't our final destination but it's hard not to miss the amazing friends we left behind. (along with H-E-B. Man do I miss my H-E-B!) But luckily many of the friends we made have become life friends so I know I'll see them again.

Right before we left one of my good friends, Dana, asked if she could use Lyndon to model one of her clothing creations for her upcoming book. I'm finally getting around to posting these pics and as I look at them I can't help but smile. Lyndon made good friends too...

If Lyndon gets his way he will be finding Lucy in the future and marrying her. 

Photo stats: 
All of these pictures were taken with my 30mm lens, ISO 400, f/2.5, and a shutter speed ranging from 1/2000th - 1/2500th of a second.
In Lightroom for the colored pictures I slightly increased blacks, contrast, brightness, and vibrance. For the black and white pictures I used my poplar "how to make stunning black and white photos" tutorial found here.


1 comment:

  1. hahaha. this is too cute! Love seeing them together and all those bright colors. Sorry there won't be a book for them now :( But they'll end up on the blog at some point! :)


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