Our journey continues: Wyoming and Idaho

If anyone has driven on I-80 through Southern Wyoming you will know of how (in my opinion) desolate it can be! I've driven this road many times and each time I always wonder just how long the isolation will go on. :) 

 But in it's own way, the landscape is quite picturesque...

As we were driving up through Wyoming we saw this mysterious tunnel along the road...

We couldn't figure out why it was there until we came to another tunnel that was further along in it's construction. It was the beginning of an overpass. Silly us...

Like many other states, there was a pretty big fire in Wyoming as well... From what we heard, it wasn't too bad and no one was injured.

As we got further and further North the landscape got better and better...

I was surprised at how beautiful Wyoming is!  It went from desolate dessert to beautiful forest and mountains. Wyoming, you are full of surprises!

Charlie (and the kids) were such great passengers...

And then we moved on into Idaho... 

Now this is the landscape I grew up with. This looks like home to me...

It's funny how you never forget your roots. I love being in Idaho. It makes me happy. Stay tuned for some of our many Idaho activities...



  1. Katie, Do you use a polarizing filter when you take landscape pictures or how do you get the colors to look so vivid? Were these edited?

  2. I'm asking too, we just got home (to Texas) from that part of the country, & after reading your first book it was great practice with my new Nikon, but I know my pictures weren't that vivid! Thanks for all your help with the book, and now this question too!

  3. Ashley and Daphne-I don't use a polarizing filter but I do enhance the color in editing. For most of these pictures (in Lightroom) I increased the blacks slightly and/or increased the vibrance. That usually does the trick to get good, vivid colors.


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