San Antonio-do you take your camera?

My Father-in-law, Jim, had a conference in San Antonio this week so we drove to see him. And because we feel like missing a day of Kindergarten won't ruin anyone's educational goals, we pulled Maddie out of school the next day so we could hang around the city a bit longer. We just stayed one night but had so much fun. And, as usual, it was so great to see Jim.

We stayed right downtown SA in an older historic hotel called The Emily Morgan. It was located right next the Alamo making it only a short walk to the Riverwalk. If you've ever been to San Antonio you know that the Riverwalk is this very cool maze of canals that runs right through downtown SA with restaurants and shops built right along it. It's really a fun place. But before I post pics of the Riverwalk I thought it would be fun to show you some pics of the hotel...

Like I said, it was RIGHT next to the Alamo! (That's the Alamo in the bottom right of the pic.)

The kids had to check out everything, including the big bathtub. Our room had vaulted ceilings letting in a ton of light!

Right between the elevators they had a mail drop. We were on the 12th floor and when you drop your letter in the slot in slid all the way down to the basement to go out with the mail. I thought it was really cool. :)

And just because we had about an hour to kill...
Stay tuned for the rest of the San Antonio pictures!

Here's a photography dilemma I would love to hear your thought on...

Do you ever feel like it's a burden to take your "big camera" out and about to capture memories? I ask because even as a photographer sometimes I have to talk myself into taking my camera with me because of the burden of lugging it around. Yet when I decide to take it I'm always glad I did because of the pictures I was able to get.  I'd love to hear your thoughts...


Here's the winner of our Camera strap contest:

"Jess said...
I am such a HUGE fan of your blog and I love when you feature exciting items like this strap! So adorable!"

Jess-email me your email address and I will pass the info on the Lori so you can get your strap!



  1. I feel the same way about lugging around my camera. Mostly because I just don't want something else to add to the already huge pile of stuff. I guess buying a really amazing point and shoot is the only alternative.

  2. Absolutely. There are times when I don't take a camera at all just because I want to be hands free. My phone gets used a lot, and then I find myself apologizing for it later. Why do I find it necessary to appologize for not using my good camera? Strange.

  3. hahaha. love the jumping shots!

  4. I feel the same. I've recently decided to suck it up and take it no matter what ... especially since I finally found a camera bag that's big enough to double as a diaper bag We're with the Army in South Korea and I was regretting every time I wasn't able to document what we did in this country.

  5. I don't mind taking my camera anywhere now that I have a Camera Coat!! Its protected when I'm carrying it around my neck and when in the diaper backpack! You should check it out!
    Long time reader, first time commenter...

  6. Happened today, I thought of taking the 'big camera' and decided the phone camera would do. So a very precious moment occurred and I didn't capture it:( I would have with the big camera I know.

  7. Yes I think about taking my camera and then I don't take it because it is bulky. I suppose it is something I just need to get used to. I decided not to take my purse today and took my camera instead. I suppose I just need a change of attitude. Thanks for asking the thought provoking question.

  8. Last summer when we took overnight trips to San Diego (husband was working down there), I made a point to take and use my point and shoot to the max - Canon G12. I got wonderful results and really learned to use its manual capabilities. I just ordered a tiny dslr (Nikon D5100) to have a lighter purse camera to carry everywhere, including the beach, because I just don't want to have to focus and worry so much on thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment when I'm in those types of conditions.

  9. Ok, I just love the pictures of you jumping on the beds!! That is classic and I know why you and I get along so well. You are such a fun mom!!


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