How to get rid of flares and L's Birthday.

30mm, ISO 1000, f/1.6, 1/125th
Cropped to a square and applied a preset called, "Lilac Love" in Lightroom.

He had a wonderful birthday! He basically hung around the house until Maddie got home while I was recovering from my root canal earlier that morning. ugh.  Thank goodness he is such a laid back little guy. It also helped that he was highly entertained with his new birthday gifts. (hex bugs, alligator golf, and spy goggles) Then, per his request, we ate cheese pizza, bread sticks, and rootbeer floats for dinner followed by chocolate, chocolate birthday cake.

Here is a little helpful hint...


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! A few yrs ago I took a b-day cake photo and in a perfect circle were heart shaped lights I could not figure out what it was Now I know!!! It created a great photo...

  2. Oh man that happens to me all the time, thanks for the tip! How easy!!


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