Document your Life Day 15: Take pictures of you with your kids!

Phew. What a crazy busy week! Within a span of 8 days I taught 165 people all about photography...everything from aperture and white balance to lighting and editing...we covered it all. I'm exhausted but exhilarated by how enthused so many of you are to learn how to use your cameras and begin to take those amazing pictures you desire!

Alright... on to more photography!

You may remember this fun project I created several months ago.  Probably like you, often times life gets in the way so I don't always follow through on those "photo challenges". But this one is nice because it's all about taking it at your own speed. If you miss problem! :)

Today I'm showcasing #15: Take picture of you with your kids. 

Too often than not I find myself behind the camera instead of in the picture. Which is fine by me except that in the coming years I'm sure my kids will want to see some pictures of their Mom! And I would be sad if I couldn't look back on some pictures of us together.  So it's important for me to remember to get some pictures with my kids. In all of the following pictures, I set the timer on my camera in order to get some pictures with them. 

The pictures aren't perfect but they are ones that I love and treasure. 

So go out and get some pictures of you WITH your kids! You won't be sorry you did. :)


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    This project would be neat made into a Shutterfly book!

  2. Well, I did start this project too... great to know that you who started it have been a little... relaxed about it too, ha! I should really try this. I'm never in the family photos.

  3. These pictures are not only perfect, they are precious! I too find myself behind the camera when it comes to taking pictures of my daughter. Thanks for the reminder! And thanks for sharing.

  4. What a nice idea... my little point & shoot may not survive the tripod (what with running toddlers everywhere). Your pictures are wonderful!


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