I can't thank you enough.

 I want to thank each and every one of you for writing such wonderful reviews for my book on Amazon. I'm overwhelmed at the response. I have read each and every one of them and I can't tell you how overjoyed I am that so many of you have benefited from reading the book. I know I've already thanked each of you individually but I want to again, thank you so much for taking the time and effort. I only wish I could meet each of you to give you a big hug. maybe someday... but until then just know that you are thought of and appreciated.

(Also, If you wrote a review and I didn't send you your free handy pocket guide download please let me know. I've tried to be really careful and not miss anyone...but you never know. :) And if you would still like to write a review that's great too! Click here.)

The sun finally came out yesterday. (I say "finally" but it really hasn't been that long. Thankfully the sun never stays away too long here in Texas!) I forget how affected I am when it's cloudy and gloomy for more than 3 or 4 days. I start feeling unmotivated and tired. Having the sun shine so brightly gave me a much needed burst of energy. So instead of cleaning the bathrooms (and that dreaded master closet) Here's what we did:

We made zucchini banana mini muffins...

And then Maddie walked Charlie Charlie walked Maddie and Lyndon rode his bike.

 And while we were outside I couldn't help but notice our weed-infested-pathetic-excuse-for-a-lawn (on the left) and the stark contrast of our neighbor's lush soft grass (on the right). But at least our weeds include some little purple flowers....

And I got the postcards that I ordered to advertise for the workshops... (this was actually round 2) The first shipment came and the bottom of the postcards were cropped at Lyndon's ankles! ugh. I stared at them for the longest time but I just couldn't send them out. It drove me crazy that his feet were cut off.  I didn't want to be wasteful but I finally called them up and they reprinted them (at no charge, of course).

So I have people lined up to help me distribute them in each of the workshop cities except for San Antonio and Denver. If anyone is interested in helping me in those cities, let me know. (katie_perkes@yahoo.com) After I send you the postcards you just have to take them to several stores in your area and ask if you can leave some at the register for customers. Places like camera shops, craft stores, the library, pediatric offices etc. Anywhere people who might be into photography might frequent. And for doing this I will send you a copy of my hard copy book and ebook.

In high school my friends and I called Friday "Friday Fun-day". So here's to a happy Friday Fun-day to you!


  1. Those purple flowers are called henbit. I love them! Just found your blog and work- I may have to get your book!!!

  2. I haven't gotten my copy of the handbook yet...

    kellykoster (at) juno (dot) com

    Thanks a bunch, your book has been incredibly helpful and I'm happy I could help with a review!


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