The Key to Taking Pictures {WORKSHOP}

Announcing my WORKSHOP tour dates for 2012...

10 0 spots left     Las Vegas, NV - March 3rd  SOLD OUT!!
10 0 spots left     San Antonio, TX - April 14th  SOLD OUT!!
10 5 spots left     Denver, CO - May 12th
10 5 spots left     Seattle/Tacoma, WA - June 23rd Cancelled... refunds have been issued.
10 5 spots left     Idaho Falls, ID - June 30th
10 2 spots left     Salt Lake City, UT - July 7th

What you will learn:
  • the in's and outs of your camera so you can finally get it off auto.
  • all about aperture, ISO, and shutter speed and how they relate. (so important!)
  • easy tips and tricks to get sharp crisp pictures.
  • what settings you have YOUR specific camera on.
  • what kind of light to look for, how to position your subject in regards to the light, and how to take a great picture in any lighting situation.
  • how to compose a striking picture.
  • my entire editing process from start to finish.
What you will get:
  • 4 hours of interactive learning including 30 minutes of actual shooting time.
  • a hardcopy of my book (a $50 value) to use throughout the workshop and beyond.
  • a copy of my ebook (a $35 value) to read before the workshop.
  • confidence on how to use your camera and how to take great pictures.
  • new friendships with other photographers in your area.

Cost: $225

Click here to read about some of the previous workshops I held.

What some past participants are saying:
“I felt like I came into the class with some knowledge of photography, but I left REALLY understanding some of the basics.  I feel like my photography “skills’ have increased about 100%!” -Jessica M.
“This was honestly the best way I’ve ever been taught.  I’ve taken a couple photography classes and still had to learn on my own.  But I understood everything you were saying and could see your examples to take it even further.” -Devrie J.
“I can’t tell you how much I learned from your workshop! My pictures have greatly improved and I owe that all to you. Thank you!” -Carrie G.
How to register:
 As soon as you make a payment, your spot is reserved. You can either pay the full amount by entering $225 in the amount box or pay half now and half 2 weeks before the workshop by entering $112.50 in the amount box. Workshop payments are non-refundable.  Here is the link to make the payment. In the notes section of paypal please indicate which workshop you will be attending. Send me an email if you have any questions.


  1. If you ever come to AZ it would be fun to do a workshop now that I have my first DSLR. Phoenix in the winter is beautiful...

  2. Will you be coming back to Houston maybe in the fall? I missed out on your last workshop here. My husband bought me the Nikon D90 I've been wanting for a couple of years now. :-)

  3. You had March 10 in Las Vegas on your picture, but below put March 3. Can you clarify which date it will be?

  4. Oops! Thanks, Laura. The Las Vegas workshop will be on March 3rd.

  5. Elizabeth! It's possible that I will be coming back to Houston. It this point I'm just not sure but keep posted on my blog...

  6. Hi Katie! East Coast, East Coast... come visit the East Coast!

  7. Will you ever come to Chicago/Illinois? :) :)

  8. I'm not sure about Chicago! But keep posted because I have something that may work perfect for you!

  9. Hi Katie! Count me in for Seattle! I couldnt find a place to register, can you email me a link? Knitabella(at)gmail(dot)com thanks! I'm so excited to finally meet you and learn how to use me new camera!

  10. Kara! I just sent you an email. :)

  11. I can't find a place to register. There are two-three of us who would love to attend the SLC workshop.

  12. Can't see where to register.

  13. Hi Laurel! I just added a link at the bottom of the post to register. Let me know if you have any further questions!

  14. Would you come to San Francisco?

  15. I just registered!! Super excited!!

  16. How long are the workshops?


  17. how long are the workshops?


  18. Hi Lena!

    The workshops are 4 hours in length.

  19. We would love to see you in SAN DIEGO!!! Maybe in the fall?? :)


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