The Photo Makeover...

I don't know about you but I love a good makeover show. It doesn't matter what kind of makeover it happens to, hair, make-up, home, furniture, weight loss, or landscapes. I get completely sucked in if they show me a before and after photo. I like to see improvement. It just makes me happy. Soooo, why don't we do our own little makeover post?

Before and After's...

I mentioned in a previous post that it's important not to immediately discount a photo at first glance. Sometimes you just have to look for the diamond in the rough, so to say.

Remember this picture I took in Chicago a few weeks ago? Well, here's what it looked like staight out of the camera before I jazzed it all up:

and after:

How about another one? 

and after:

and one more...

and after:
(This is my hubby. Isn't he handsome?

An important aspect to get a stunning "after" photo is to cut out a lot of the junk. Notice that in all the before pictures there is way too much distraction. The distraction takes away from the important aspects of the picture. So try to creatively crop the picture to focus more on the subject.

Of course there was more to the editing than just cropping the picture. ...which can all be found in my photography book that is on sale for the holiday season! Hooray! Click here to find out more.

I would love to see some of your befores and afters...send me a link!


  1. Great before and after shots! The first b/w is just stunning!

  2. Great pictures! The first one reminds me of a picture I have in Boston that inspired me to turn it into black & white. Thanks for sharing these!

  3. Thanks for sharing these as before + afters. It's helpful to me to know that there is still hope when I look through photos and realize I didn't frame them as I thought I did when I took them!

  4. Love the before and after shots ... and I found you from Pinterest. ;)


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