My first workshops!

My family and I just got home from our month long vacation. It was a whirlwind of seeing new places, playing with cousins, visiting with family and of course I threw in a couple of workshops. My first workshop was in Idaho Falls, ID. (Where I grew up and where my parents still live). I love Idaho Falls in the summer. The weather is absolutely gorgeous, NO humidity and usually low temps. My kids loved being able to go barefoot on the grass and not have to worry about getting attacked by fire ants.

I held the workshop at the Colonial Theater in the historic downtown of IF. It is such a great and inspirational building. Because it was my first workshop I limited the class to only 5 participants. (Plus my sister, so that made 6.) I have to admit, I was a little nervous before the workshop began but the nerves quickly went away as I began teaching. I love photography and I especially love teaching others about it. It was so fun to see that "oh, I get it now" look on peoples faces as we went through the class. I would say as a whole, photographers tend to be very caring and genuinely kind people. As I got to know the members of the workshop I found that that to be beyond true. I was privileged to meet some wonderful people both in Idaho and in Utah.

I'm not sure how I forgot to take pictures but his was the only picture I took of my workshop attendees. Here they are playing with their cameras and practicing what we just learned...

Here is a picture of the outside of the Colonial Theater...

A look down the street. I just love old downtown areas...

The next workshop was held in Ogden, UT at one of the cutest little cupcake shops I've ever seen called The Vintage Cupcake Co. They have a nice little gathering area in the back of the shop that we were able to take over to hold the workshop. After my workshop in Idaho I decided to let a few more people come to the Utah workshop but the night before/morning of the class I had 3 people call/txt or email me that something came up and they wouldn't be able to make it. So we still ended up with 5 attendees.

 I also had some trouble that morning too when I couldn't find our car keys ANYWHERE! I was staying at my friends house so I just borrowed one of their cars however all the books and my outline was in the trunk of my car so I just had to leave without them. I was STRESSED, to say the least, but my workshop attendees were so great that they immediately put me at ease. I started the workshop using my laptop but about 5 minutes into it my hero of a husband came walking in with my box of books, notebooks and my outline. I was so happy to see him. He hadn't found the keys yet but figured out how to open our car using some tools. Yay for supportive husbands and his breaking in to car skills!

Here are my awesome Utah attendees playing around with the settings on their cameras...

I treated everyone to a cupcake at the end of the workshop. How could we not eat one after smelling them the whole time? :)

 Carol taking some pictures of the cute shop...

All in all the workshops were a huge success! I am so happy I was able to do them. It makes me want to do more so stay tuned for where and when the next ones will be. If you're interested please email me or leave a comment as to where you are located. I look forward to meeting MANY more of you!


  1. I'm new to your blog I found my way here through Lil' Luna-All things good. =) I live in Nampa Idaho and if you ever come back this way I would love to take one of your classes! I bought a Nikon D3000 about 6 months ago and am still trying to figure it out lol I have taken one class but it was almost too technical if that makes sense not that much hands on. Anyways I look forward to following your blog!

  2. I'm interested in purchasing a DSLR, but have refrained from doing so because I know I won't be able to handle all the features to capture a good picture.

    However, I'd be super interested in taking your course as a motivation to purchase one. I'm in North Dallas.

  3. Would love if you came out to MD for a workshop or even DC! These pictures look amazing!

  4. oh great! I'm so glad the workshops went well! I love the locations you chose, especially the Willard part :). Really cool old street. Congrats!

  5. I feel like a celebrity, seeing myself on your blog! Thanks for all you taught me at your workshop. It was wonderful. My camera and I are much better friends now. Oh, and the cupcake was fantastic, too! I'm craving another one :).

  6. Mesa AZ would love to have you!

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