did she...did she?

Okay, so here's the story of Maddie's Lemonade Stand...

(I know you're on the edge of your seat for this.)

This little gal is quite the entrepreneur. She waved her sign around, just hoping that someone would come for some nice cold lemonade. But unfortunately for her we live on a cul-de-sac AND to make matters worse, a storm was brewing.

We moved the shop closer to to house to get out of the threatening rain and guess who was her first customer...Lyndon, of course. He's always supporting his sister. (I'm pretty sure Lyndon is Maddie's BIGGEST FAN in whatever she does.) By the look of his face you can tell that he's a little unsure if she will actually serve him because after all, he is just her brother. :)

But Maddie loves her brother just as much as he loves her (AND he had money) so yes, he was truly her first customer.

And here comes customer number two...Dad.

At this point with only two customers and a storm on the horizon Maddie took matters into her own hands...by knocking on some doors of our very kind neighbors politely urging them to come out and try some of her fantastic lemonade.

....it worked.

She ended up selling 9 glasses of lemonade.

ahhhhh, sweet success.


  1. Aw, love it. A go get 'em kinda girl!

  2. Yay! Hooray hooray! She's got a future.

  3. sooooo cute! How come her LEMONade is red?? A very pretty red!

  4. If i had only known... I love me some rasberry lemonade.

    I love the pic of Lyndon as her first customer. My other fav is Maddie with her dollar :)

  5. Bless. her little heart. this is too sweet. I would have bought one from her. :)


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