Ah, to be a Senior again...

Can this girl get any more beautiful?? AND to top it off she's smart, funny and super nice. I just can't say enough about her. :) Thanks for a fun evening, Allie!


  1. I love the shots in the wheat field. Fun how her shirt almost looks like that. She is a cute girl with a great smile. Awesome job!

  2. Oh my gosh I can't believe she is a Senior! Oh she looks so awesome you did such a great job! Tell her I said congrats and the pics are beautiful!

  3. Love the one with the turquoise and red in the background. And the one of just the boots through the grating. I think the ones in the wheat field are cool too.

  4. Kayden3:19 AM

    Favs 1,3,5,8,9,10,11

  5. 6th picture of her in the field wearing blue/brown print shirt, she looks gorgeous and framed by the "wheat"(?)

    The last one of her silhouette, very poetic!

  6. Really like the wheat field ones. Espically the last couple. My fav is the very last one.


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