The Lowes...

I love the Lowe family. Seriously. Love them. It was so fun capturing them enjoying one another and enjoying life. They truly know how to be happy.


  1. love' em all! i love that you can capture life on film. thanks for sharing your talent!

  2. I love Tracey's face in the whipping cream gone awry! I also LOVE the shots of the two on the couch kissing and in the mirror with the kids in focus. Great job, these are beautiful and a treasure for them!

  3. - 1st one, girl reading in the background and focusing books in front of her
    - All pics taken from above them, just love that angle!
    - the couple kissing shown in mirror, very artistic

  4. My favs are the mirror one for sure, The books one, Ithink that's the first one and I adore the close ups you do captureing the personalities of your subjects


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