She's growing too fast & I want to follow you on instagram!

What's happening?

She's almost 6 weeks.

And I have no idea where the time has gone. I don't ever want her to grow up but at the same time I love when she learns something new. Like her new sweet smile and the way she talks to me with her gentle coo's. She loves taking baths and being naked in general. She already has a unique and special bond with her big sister. Every time Maddie talks to her, she smiles. It's heart warming to watch.

She is most likely (we're 95% sure) our last child. It's bitter sweet. Bitter in the way that it makes me a little teary eyed to think that this chapter of my life is over. That I will never be pregnant again, never deliver another baby, never have another newborn and on and on. However, I also feel excited to not have to go through the stresses and struggles of having another baby. The physical and emotional pain and especially the awful panic attacks I experience when I'm pregnant.

So right now I soak in every thing about my sweet baby. I sit on the couch for hours just holding her. I let my dishes pile up, over look the messy floors, and forgo activities that can wait so that I don't look back and realize that I missed out on a part of my life that I wish I could re-do.

And while I soak her in I also try and take as many pictures as possible as not to forget anything. I keep my big camera (nikon D80) out and handy but I've also been using my iphone to capture those quick images. I'm a little late to the instagram game but it's been fun to post our everyday pictures and interact with others seeing what their "every day's" look like. So here are a few of my latest pics from instagrams:

For Christmas I'm asking Santa for an updated iphone. (I have the 3s and the camera is very limited.) I can't decide between the iphone 4s or 5. The main reason I want an upgrade is so that I can take better pictures with it. I've read reviews comparing both of them and I can't decide. Any input would be much appreciated! I've also had my eye on these lenses for the iphone.

Also, feel free to follow me on instagram! And I'll follow you back. It's such a fun way to get to know each other and see what your corner of the world looks like.

My profile is: keytopictures
And here is a link to my followgram:

Have a great Monday!


  1. definitely get the 5. if you are going to spend the money and upgrade do it right :) that is what my hubby always says!!

    i am LOVING the pics of your sweet baby girl, thanks for sharing!!

  2. Hi Katie,
    I have had the iPhone 5 for a few weeks and I love it! Last time around I went with the Droid brand only because it had a better camera. I can safely say Apple has really upgraded their camera. Now you have me looking at those little lenses too. How fun! Following you on Instagram. Your photos are always inspiring.

  3. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I love how even your Instagram photos are beautiful! You are so talented and by the way you make some pretty babies! Lily is so sweet! I'm now following you on Instagram and I can't wait to see more!


  4. Still getting used to my iPhone 4s and I love it! It's my first official smartphone and I am totally hooked. :) I went with the 4s because I couldn't beat the deals now that the 5 has come out. I love Instagram & though I'm still figuring out the tricks it's been a lot of fun to play. Im also learning about some fun supplemental apps for pics, like PicStitch, Snapster, and Color Splash.

  5. I just added you to my instagram. I'm knitpurlmama

  6. The iPhone 5 camera is way better than the 4s. The only downfall of the iPhone 5 is that you'll lose google maps and have to use apple's maps...which is way worse than google maps. I'm not a fan.
    But seriously, the pictures that are taken with the 5 are high quality.

    One day I want to meet that sweet baby of yours. :)

  7. What app do you use for the great bokeh in your pics? I've been looking for one forever!

    1. Hi Christy, the app is called, Picfx.


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